Evil Come Evil Go

Evil Come Evil Go

Hell Hath No Fury

A traveling Evangelist preacher, Sister Sarah Jane, is hellbent on ridding the world of evil, sex-obsessed men. Taking to the streets of Los Angeles, she quickly befriends a gullible young woman and the two embark on a mad killing spree.

Released: 1972-02-18
Duration: 01:06:00
Genre: Horror
Director: Walt Davis
Writer: Walt Davis
Genre: Horror

\"Sister\" Sarah Jane Butler, a hymn-humming religious fanatic who believes God has chosen her to cleanse the world of those who have sex for pleasure, seduces a bar patron, and guts him after the two leave together. Sarah then drives to Los Angeles, and lures another man to his death, scrawling \"God is Love, not Sex\" on a mirror afterward. While busking and preaching on the street, Sarah befriends Penelope von Prut, a naive lesbian who is being supported by her wealthy and ashamed parents. Sarah moves in with Penny, who she takes on as a disciple, and inducts into \"Sister Sarah\'s Sacred Order of the Sisters of Complete Subjugation\" by tying her to a bed, stripping her, and teasing her with a knife as they sing \"Glory, Glory, Hallelujah\".

Sarah and Penny sing in the streets, make plans to create a television series that Sarah will use as a platform for her views, and intimidate Penny\'s tenants. Sarah has Penny lure a man home, and as he and Penny have sex, Sarah stabs him to death. Penny is horrified by the murder, but continues to obey Sarah. As Sarah and Penny prepare to dispose of the man\'s body, Penny\'s ex-girlfriend Junie visits, and becomes another victim when Sarah garrotes her with a scarf as she is having sex with Penny. Sarah and Penny dump their victims in the woods, where they spot a couple having sex. After the woman leaves, the man approaches Sarah and Penny, and after chatting with them, leaves with the duo, who will presumably kill him as well. A guitarist who had appeared throughout the film follows the group from afar, and sings \"Evil Come, Evil Go\" as the credits roll. 

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