Killer Tongue
The movie with outrageous taste.
Nov. 15, 1996
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A bank robber seeks refuge in a desert gas station run by nuns, awaiting her boyfriend\'s release. An alien meteorite transforms her into a flesh-craving monster with a monstrous tongue, while her poodles become drag queens.
Writer: Alberto Sciamma
Melinda Clarke stars as the latex-clad Candy, a beautiful bank robber hiding out at a desert gas station run by nuns while awaiting her boyfriend\'s release from prison. After being exposed to a falling piece of alien meteorite, Candy grows an extremely long homicidal tongue with a taste for human flesh, while her pet poodles--who have also been exposed--transform into flamboyant drag queens.
Alberto Sciamma
Cast: Robert Englund Doug Bradley Mabel Karr Edward Tudor-Pole Mapi Galán Melinda Clarke Michael Cule Jonathan Rhys Meyers José Truchado Jason Durr Alicia Borrachero David Dale Daniel Edwards Terry Forrestal Ricardo Fraguas Alicia Garrigues John Hampden Luchi López Stephen Marcus Tusse Silberg Richard Waters Nigel Whitmey
Sex With Alien, Female Nudity, Prison, Poodle, Heist, Nun, Desert, Alien, Tongue, Beginning Morphed With Ending, Gore, Blood, Male Nudity, Male Rear Nudity, Transformation, Driving In The Nude, Fake Nun, Lips Glued Together, Betrayal, Cult, Meteor, Possession, Written By Director, Body Part In Title, Spanish Horror, European Horror, Dark Comedy, Told In Flashback, Flashback, Cabriolet, Pointing A Gun At Someone, Telling Someone To Shut Up, Money, Superglue, F Word, Tongue Injury, Convict, Bloody Face, Handcuffed By The Police, Handcuffed Man, Criminal, Criminal On The Run, Arrest, Arrested Man, Camera Shot Of Mouth, Close Up Of Mouth, Dog, Gas Station, Posing For A Photograph, Cigarette Smoking, Boyfriend Girlfriend Relationship, Letter, Disembodied Voice, Camera Shot Of Eyes, Close Up Of Eyes, Punched In The Face, Police Brutality, Tattoo, Dog Barks, Hairy Chested Male, Urination, Overweight Man, Reading A Magazine, Flatulence, Urinating On Someone, Urinating On Someone's Shoes, Camera Shot Of Feet, Character Appears In Magazine, Looking At Oneself In A Mirror, Policeman, Hit On The Head, Hit On The Back Of The Head With A Gun, Bullying, Bully, Drawing On A Wall, Writing On The Wall, Female Criminal, Cell, Cellmate Cellmate Relationship, Listening To Music, Dance Scene, Rocking Chair, Obscene Gesture, Man Wears A Tank Top, Wet Clothes, Van, Car Crash, Nudity, Hit On The Head With A Gun Butt, Gagged, Bare Chested Male, Rear Nudity, Star Appears Nude, Male Star Appears Nude, Driving A Car Shirtless, Driving A Car Naked, Gagged Man, Bound And Gagged Man, Bound And Gagged, Bare Chested Male Bondage, Anger Issues, Man With Anger Issues, Sign Of The Cross, Former Nun, Praying, Prayer, Talking To A Dog, Talking To An Animal, Newspaper Clipping, Earthquake, Explosion, Fainting, Broken Window, Mysterious Event, Broken Plate, Howling, Scream, Screaming Woman, Sleeping Shirtless, Gag Reflex, Camera Shot Of A Man's Bare Feet, Camera Shot Of Bare Feet, Barefoot Male, New Mexico, Metamorphosis, Dog Becomes A Man, Dog Becomes A Human, Locked Door, Smoking In Bed, Sleeping Nude, Waking Up Naked, Polishing Shoes, Sadist, Sadistic Policeman, Sadistic Man, Sadistic Cruelty, Reading Aloud, Polishing A Shoe, Effeminate Man, Silenced With A Kiss, Photograph, Framed Photograph, Broken Glass In A Picture Frame, Hysterical Outburst, Outburst, Hysterical Man, Crying, Crying Woman, Crying Female, Smoking In A Bathtub, Taking A Bath, Man In A Bathtub, Male In A Bathtub, Female Topless Nudity, Female Monster, Monster, Camera Shot From Inside A Fridge, Violence, Urban Fantasy, Sex Scene, Sex In A Bathtub, Oral Sex, Oral Sex In A Bathtub, Animated Sequence, Murder, Dead Body, Dead Body In A Bathtub, Whistling, Sitting On A Toilet, Gay, Gay Character, Secretly Gay, Closeted Gay, Closeted Homosexual, Dry Toilet, Broken Picture Frame Glass, Breaking Glass In A Picture Frame, Gay Antagonist, Character's Point Of View Camera Shot, Painting A Wall, Man In Drag, Cross Dresser, Cross Dressing, Male To Female Cross Dressing, Electric Knife, Slapping Oneself, Slapped In The Face, Licking Someone's Face, Man Licks A Woman's Face, Effeminate Gay Man, Absurdism, Absurd Comedy, Prank, Humiliation, Painting, Christian, Christianity, Hand Injury, Cutting Oneself, Cutting One's Hand, Vomiting On Street, Vomiting, Gagged Woman, Woman Bound And Gagged, Man In A Car Trunk, Female Bondage, Breaking A Plate, Body Horror, Woman With A Physical Disability, Knife, Redhead, Kidnapped Man, Kidnapped Woman, Kidnapped Nun, Woman Kidnapped, Man Kidnapped, Message, Note, Coworker Coworker Relationship, Snoring, Snoring Man, Watching Someone Sleep, Dove, Talking To A Dove, Talking To A Bird, Statuette, Virgin Mary Statuette, Reference To Virgin Mary, Reference To A Saint, Tied To A Chair, Man Tied To A Chair, Man In A Fridge, Locked In A Fridge, Sitting On The Floor, Stabbing, Stabbed With A Pickaxe, Pickaxe, Shooting Into The Air, Shooting, Gunshot, Meteorite, Female Star Appears Topless, Phallic Symbolism, Watching Someone Masturbate, Masturbation Reference, Masturbation, Female Masturbation, Rape Joke, Sexual Violence, Talking To Oneself, Alien On Earth, Foot Bandage, Surrealism, Spanish Surrealism, Surreal Humor, Surreal Horror, Broken Mirror, Cracked Mirror, Self Harm, Cutting One's Wrist, Slashing One's Wrist, Slitting One's Wrist, Wrist Cutting, Talking To Oneself In A Mirror, Covered In Blood, Handcuffed To A Car, Jeep, Wound, Sensuality, Transmitter, Falling From Height, Suppressed Sadism, Lying On The Floor, Antihero, Talking Tongue, Saving Someone's Life, Talking To One's Tongue, Anthropomorphic Tongue, Talking To One's Penis, Talking To One's Body Part, Urinating In Front Of Someone, Stolen Car, Car Theft, Large Tongue, Tongue Wagging, Smelling Someone's Clothes, Bathing Someone, Washing Someone, Licking Someone's Hand, Licking Someone's Finger, Finger Licking, Woman In A Bathtub, Female In A Bathtub, Voyeurism, Voyeur, Peeping Tom, One Way Mirror, Gay Kiss, Female Female Kiss, Same Sex Kiss, Burping, Card Game, Playing Cards, Card Playing, Male Star Appears Shirtless, Finger Tattoo, Reference To Jesus Christ, Screaming Man, Killed In An Explosion, Death By Explosion, Change In Lifestyle, Chained Woman, Chained, Chained To A Bed, Dry Humping, Escape, Drinking From A Bottle, Drinking Whiskey, Lonely Man, Loneliness, Sexual Frustration, Taking Off Shirt, Violent Man, Rape Attempt, Attempted Rape, Head Bandage, Spurting Blood, Crotch Grabbing, Crotch Grab, Killing An Animal, Escape From Jail, Escaped Prisoner, Flashlight, Sleeping Outdoors, Jealousy, Jealous Woman, Jealous Girlfriend, Falling Off A Cliff, Gift, Covering Someone's Eyes, Disembodied Head, Decapitation, Headless Body, Sadistic Violence, Leg Injury, Limping, Limping Man, Undressing Someone, Taking Off Someone's Shirt, Taking Off Someone's Pants, Ear Injury, Killing A Dove, Sexual Humor, Watching Tv, Man Wears Suspenders On Bare Chest, Foot In Mouth, Psychopath, Serial Killer As Protagonist, Female Serial Killer, Car Accident, Man Hits A Woman, Man Punches A Woman In The Face, Man Punches A Woman, Criminal Versus Criminal, Multiple Protagonists, Escape Attempt, Traffic Accident, Accident, Church, Exploding Body, Exploding Woman, Exploding Man, Confessional Booth, Biblical Reference, Crucifix, Beating, Kicked In The Face, Kicked In The Head, Well, Pickaxe As A Weapon, Fight, Male Female Fight, Killer Tongue, Public Nudity, Tongue Cut Out, Embarrassing Nudity, Embarrassing Female Nudity, Cutting Tongue, Actor Plays An Animal, Boyfriend Hits His Girlfriend, Cigar Smoking, Man Faints, Woman Faints, Murderess, Female Vomits, Girlfriend Hits Her Boyfriend, Girlfriend Murders Her Boyfriend, Handcuffs, Humping A Pillow, Kidnapping, Man With Long Hair, Man Wears Underwear, Man Humps A Pillow, Man Sits On A Toilet, Man Wears A Dress, Man Wears A Skirt, Man Wears A Wig, Man Wears An Open Shirt, Man Wears Boxer Shorts, Man Wears Shorts, Man Wears Sunglasses, Death, Serial Murder, Woman Wears A Wig, Woman Wears Eyeglasses, Woman Wears Sunglasses, Apology, Low Budget Film, Photography, Man Bound And Gagged, Camera Shot From Inside Mouth, Drag Queen, Psychotronic Film, Spanish Psychotronic Film, European Psychotronic Film
Original title: La lengua asesina