The Time Machine
You Will Orbit into the Fantastic Future!
May. 25, 1960
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A man's vision for a utopian society is disillusioned when travelling forward into time reveals a dark and dangerous society.
A Victorian-era scientist invents a machine that transports him through time. He travels forward to flee the warlike world of 1900. He stops the machine in 1917, in 1940, and in 1966, but he finds the world at war on all three occasions. He eventually travels to the year 802,701 and discovers a race of benign humans, the Eloi, menaced by hordes of ferocious man-beasts, the Morlocks, who prey on the Eloi at will.
Future, Distant Future, Post Apocalypse, Dystopia, Time Travel, Time Machine, Morlock, London, England, Based On Novel, Utopia, Utopian Society, Anti War, Air Raid Siren, Underground Civilization, Rebellion, Mind Control, Sphinx, Father And Son Played By Same Actor, Flower, Scientist, Old Man, Friendship Between Men, 1900s, Lava, Year 802701, World War Three, Told In Flashback, World War Two, End Of Civilization, World War One, Volcanic Eruption, Rescue From Drowning, Nuclear War, New Year's Eve, Mannequin, Inventor, Housekeeper, Dual Role, Cannibalism, Bomb Shelter, Time Lapse Photography, Steampunk, Time Travel Romance, Clock, Torch, Arson, Fistfight, Snow, Anger, Abduction, Old Woman, Mistaken Identity, Newspaper Headline, Book, Whipping, Time Traveler, Low Budget Sci Fi Movie, Based On The Works Of H.g. Wells, Remake, Three Word Title, 1910s, 1940s, 1960s, 1970s, Time Travel Sci Fi, Steampunk Sci Fi, Dystopian Sci Fi, Interdimensional Sci Fi, Quest Adventure, After 2050, Dedication Plaque, Bare Chested Male, Tracks, Romantic Reunion, Setting A Fire, Lava Flow, Multiple Time Frames, Dinner, Scottish Accent, Maid, Far Future, New Year's Eve, Character Says Happy New Year, The Blitz, Mistaken For Father, Fire, Horse And Carriage, Toga, Brawl, Whip, Underground, Air Raid Shelter, Garden, Fourth Dimension, Demonstration, Voice Over Narration, Reading A Newspaper, Dystopian Future, Punched In The Face, Glowing Eyes, Nuclear Bomb, Volcano, Cannibal, Asking Questions, Shouting, Miniature, Lever, Idealist, Rebuilding Society, Park, One Against Many, Ring, Older Version Of Character, Open Ending, Nuclear Explosion, Alternate Timeline, Backward Time Travel, Fighting Back, Uprising, Group Of Friends, Air Raid Warden, Zeppelin, Fall Of Civilization, Giant Fruit, Drowning, Falling Into River, Apathy, Fictional War, Symbiotic Relationship, 1890s, Turn Of The Century, United Kingdom, Born Sexy Yesterday Trope, Actor Plays Their Own Ancestor, Look Alike Ancestor, Ancestor, Remade, Living Underground, Dinner Party, Forward Time Travel, Pile Of Bones, Year 1966, Year 1940, Year 1917, Year 1900, Year 1899, Indifference, Surrealism, Cigar Smoking, Big Ben London, River, Alternate History, Altering History, Sundial, Tribe, Jungle, Air Raid, Explosion, Skeleton, Decomposing Body, Corpse, Utopia Quest, England, Library, Idol, Human Harvesting, Friendship, Escape, Death Of Friend
H. G. Wells' The Time Machine, A Máquina do Tempo, La machine à explorer le temps, El tiempo en sus manos, A Máquina do Tempo, La machine à explorer le temps, El tiempo en sus manos, Time Machine, The (1960)