Description Jake "Tiger" Sharp (Michael Sopkiw) is a former policeman who seeks revenge after his wife is murdered. After killing the murderer, Sharp is sentenced to seven years in prison. Upon release Jake is given an SPAS-12 Shotgun by his old friend Jerry in order to wreak vengeance upon the crooked attorney responsible for sending him away. However, Jake instead at the last minute decides to return to his secluded cabin in the Appalachian wilderness and bury his gun in the floorboards. Matters become complicated when a group of poachers run afoul of him and kill his baby deer. Jake goes to the Chinese herbal medicinist's office that the hunters have been selling to and smashes up the place.
Jake's estranged daughter Connie then joins him with Jerry and her boyfriend, but all of them are killed off when the hunters decide to get revenge for scaring away the herbal medicinist. Jake manages to escape back to his cabin and dig up his gun for one last battle with those who would break the law.
Blastfighter, Arma Explosiva, En panser går amok, Blastfighter, l'exécuteur, L'exécuteur exterminateur, Chong feng xian zhen, Jigoku no senshi: Burastofaitaa, Con la justicia en sus manos, Osamljeni obupanec, Blastfighter - Der Exekutor, Arma Explosiva, En panser går amok, Blastfighter, l'exécuteur, L'exécuteur exterminateur, Chong feng xian zhen, Jigoku no senshi: Burastofaitaa, Con la justicia en sus manos, Osamljeni obupanec, Blastfighter - Der Exekutor