A speeding ambulance abducts three beautiful young women to a sinister medical center where someone is making a killing selling healthy human organs on the black market.
Following in the footsteps of Michael Crichton's adaptation of Robin Cook's Coma, B.O.R.N. deals with the macabre concept of black market organs. The film opens with an idyllic scene of a young couple on the beach--the first and last pleasant moment of the entire movie. The girl suddenly
drops into the ocean, is rushed to the hospital, and faces certain death unless she receives an immediate heart transplant. When the girl's family agrees to supply a few hundred thousand dollars for a healthy heart, a group of thugs in a phony ambulance go hunting for a suitable "donor." Featuring
lots of gratuitous blood and guts, and some disturbing offbeat scenes, B.O.R.N. is even less pleasant than the subject matter suggests it might be.