The Sheriff of Fractured Jaw
Oct. 28, 1958
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After inadvertently stopping an Indian attack on his stagecoach while traveling in the American West, an English gentleman finds himself appointed sheriff of a nearby town.
Director: Raoul Walsh
The story centres around Jonathon Tibbs, the young son of a family of English gunsmiths. He travels to the American West in the 1880s to sell firearms to the locals. While there he inadvertently acquires a reputation of quickness on the draw due to his wrist mounted Derringer style weapon and from there the post of sheriff. He endeavours to clean up the town using what skills he has and by multilateral diplomacy.
Raoul Walsh
Cast: Clancy Cooper Jayne Mansfield Sheldon Lawrence Susan Denny Larry Taylor Bruce Cabot William Campbell Brandon Brady Charles Irwin Jack Lester Robert Morley Sid James Donald Stewart Kenneth More Henry Hull David Horne Ronald Squire Eynon Evans Reed De Rouen Gordon Tanner Tucker McGuire Nicholas Stuart Charles Farrell Jonas Applegarth Joe Buffalo
Psychotronic Film, American, Reputation, Stagecoach, Blonde Woman, Bar Shootout, Kiss, Gunfight, Shootout, Ambush, Native American Attack, Native American Tribe, Cowboy, Peace Pipe, Hired Gunman, Range War, Lawless Town, Year 1880, Gun Salesman, Inventor, Englishman, Native American Chief, Undertaker, Native American, Gunsmith
La Bionda e Lo Sceriffo