Silent Night, Deadly Night
Little Billy witness his parents getting brutally murdered by Santa after being warned by his senile grandpa that Santa punishes those who are naughty. Now Billy is 18, and out of the orphanage, and he has j to fill in for an absent in-store Santa Claus, his childhood trauma materializes once again.
In 1971, on the Christmas Eve, a family heads to a nursing home to visit the catatonic grandfather of the 5-year-old Billy and the baby Ricky. While his parents go with the baby to discuss the treatment with the doctor in the office, Billy is left alone with grandpa. Out of the blue, he awakens and tells Billy to be afraid of Santa Claus since he punishes who is naughty.
While driving back home, a killer posing of Santa Claus lures Billy's father that pull over his car on the road and Billy witnesses the killer murdering his parents. A few years later, Billy and his brother are raised in an orphanage run by the tyrannical Mother Superior that believes that punishment is the better way to educate children. Sister Margaret feels that Billy needs psychological support but the Mother Superior does not agree.
In 1984, when Billy turns 18 years old, Sister Margaret finds a job in a toy store for Billy. On the Christmas Eve, Billy's chief Mr. Sims asks Billy to replace the employee that plays Santa Claus for the clients and their children since he is injured. The Santa suit associated to alcoholic drink trigger his insanity and Billy begins his murder rampage punishing naughty people.