The French Line
Feb. 08, 1954
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Oil heiress Mame Carson takes an incognito cruise so that men will love her for her body, not her money.
Texas heiress Mary 'Mame' Carson strikes oil twice in one day, and her wealth scares away her fiance; so she decides to take a boat trip incognito to Paris and snare a husband using only her own abundant natural charms. To this end, she switches identities with model Myrtle Brown, and sets sail with her bosom pal Annie...and French revue star Pierre DuQuesne, who has been hired to keep a watchful eye on "Mary Carson" a perfect setup for Musical Comedy Misunderstandings.
Cast: Bess Flowers Kim Novak Jane Russell George Wallace Steven Geray Ellye Marshall Kasey Rogers Jean Moorhead Gilbert Roland Joyce Mackenzie Theresa Harris Rita Corday Arthur Hunnicutt Mary McCarty Scott Elliott Craig Stevens John Wengraf Michael St. Angel Barbara Darrow Barbara Dobbins Nick Stuart Charles Smith Shirley Patterson
La linea francese